@article{oai:scu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000171, author = {山本, 真由美 and Yamamoto, Mayumi and 渡邉, 由加利 and Watanabe, Yukari and 山内, まゆみ and Yamauchi, Mayumi and 森川, 由紀 and Morikawa, Yuki and 石引, かずみ and Ishibiki, Kazumi and 宮﨑, みち子 and Miyazaki, Michiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {札幌市立大学研究論文集, SCU Journal of Design & Nursing}, month = {Jul}, note = {本研究の目的は,開発した「装着型産褥子宮モデル」を装着した模擬褥婦の子宮復古を看護学生が観察し,看護を実践することによる学習効果を明らかにすることである.対象はA 大学看護学部の3・4 年生で研究協力を申し出た学生12 名.調査期間は平成28 年3 月中旬.調査方法は(1)装着型モデルを装着した模擬褥婦( 教員) に対し,学生が子宮復古状態を観察した.(2)終了後,学生に面接調査を行った.その内容は観察内容( 触診,計測診,問診,視診,患者の反応) および装着型モデルに関する感想であった.分析方法は面接内容を逐語録に変換し,学習効果に関連したデータを質的に分析した.倫理的配慮は研究代表者所属先の倫理審査委員会の承認(No.1529-1) を得て実施した.学習効果に関連したカテゴリーは「子宮復古の観察ができる」,「褥婦の反応を確認・配慮しながら観察ができる」,「判断しながら技術が実施できる」,「実習に類似した環境で実施できる」,「実施の振り返りができる」が生成された.今回装着型モデルを使用することで,対象者に接する際に反応を観察しつつ,判断を加えながら実施していた.子宮復古の観察は,下腹部という日常生活では他者が触れない部位を触診するため,対象者の羞恥心に配慮し,その反応も観察しながら実施する必要があり,開発した装着型モデルは臨床場面により近づいた中での学習が可能であることが示唆された., This study aims to determine the learning effects with nursing students in the nursing practice where nursing students observed uterus involution of a simulated patient (SP) wearing a “wearable fetus and uterus model” developed for this study (wearable model). Participants were 12 students from the third and fourth years in the nursing department of A university, who had volunteered to participate in the study. In the study conducted in the middle of March, 2016, students observed the condition of uterus involution of the SP wearing the “wearable model”, and we conducted interviews with the students after the observation. Students were asked about the particulars of their observations, and about impressions of the wearable model. The records of the interviews were transcribed and data related to learning effects were analyzed qualitatively. This study was conducted with the approval of the ethics committee of the university the principal author is affiliated with (No. 1529-1). The analysis yielded the following response categories: abilities to ‘observe uterus involution’, ‘make observations while paying attention to and observing the response of the SP’, ‘use skills relevant to the conditions observed’, ‘conduct observations in an environment similar to clinical training’, ‘assess the self-care skills of the SP’, and ‘look back on the practices involved’. The students conducted the observations of uterus involution using a wearable model while assessing the responses of this SP. The wearable model developed here may provide an effective learning environment similar to that in clinical settings.}, pages = {53--60}, title = {「装着型産褥子宮モデル」を使用した学習効果─看護学生による子宮復古の観察から─}, volume = {11}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヤマモト, マユミ and ワタナベ, ユカリ and ヤマウチ, マユミ and モリカワ, ユキ and イシビキ, カズミ and ミヤザキ, ミチコ} }