@article{oai:scu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000182, author = {山内, まゆみ and 渡邉, 由加利 and 檜山, 明子 and 御厩, 美登里 and 村松, 真澄 and 貝谷, 敏子 and 神島, 滋子 and 山田, 良 and 張, 浦華 and Ishii, Masahiro and 石井, 雅博 and スーディ神崎, 和代 and Yamauchi, Mayumi and Watanabe, Yukari and Hiyama, Akiko and Mimaya, Midori and Muramatsu, Masumi and Kaitani, Toshiko and Kamishima, Shigeko and Yamada, Ryo and Zhang, Puhua and Ishii, Masahiro and kanzaki-Sooudi, Kazuyo}, issue = {1}, journal = {札幌市立大学研究論文集, SCU Journal of Design & Nursing}, month = {Jul}, note = {本研究は札幌市南区で子育て世帯の育児事情を把握し,子育て支援を検討する基礎資料とすることを目的とした.研究デザインは横断的量的調査研究.調査期間は平成28 年12月から平成29 年1月.研究方法は郵送法を用いた自記式質問紙調査.対象者は4か月,1歳6か月乳幼児健康診査に来所した養育者.質問紙は123 部配布し,53 部を回収(43.0%),有効回答の43 部(35.0%)を分析した.回答者はすべて母親であった.全員が子育てする生活に幸福感を得ていた.子育てで最も活用する公的施設は子育て支援センターであった.子どもの日常生活の世話をするのは母親に次いで父親(5割弱)であった.子どもと一緒に外出するのは,ほぼ母親で,次に父親(7割弱)であった.外出手段は車9割,徒歩4割程度であった.育児について相談相手は全員がいると答え,近親者の割合が高かった.外出頻度は,週に1日以上が7割弱,2週に1度以下が数名いた.父親の育児参加の程度や自家用車の有無は,広い南区の交通環境の特徴もあり,育児事情に影響すると考えられる.外出の頻度が少ない養育者は,限局した育児環境の中で狭い人間関係により,母親と子で孤立する可能性がある.地域ごとに,徒歩圏内で気軽に参加できるイベント等の工夫が必要である.本研究で得られた公開講座への希望等を活用し,本学で可能な子育て支援を検討したい., The study sought to better understand the current situation regarding childcare in families living in Minami-ku, Sapporo, as a part of the Center of Community (COC) program run by Sapporo City University, by obtaining basic data on childcare support. This was a cross-sectional quantitative investigative study covering the period from December 2016 to January 2017. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to child-rearers utilizing the 4- and 18-month infant health checks. Responses were collected by mail from 53 of 123 subjects (43.0%), with 43 valid responses (35.0%) applied to analysis. All respondents weremothers and happy with their childcare situation. In most cases they used childcare support centers. Mothers routinely provided the childcare, with <50% of fathers involved. Further, the rearers who took their children out were mostly mothers, with<70% of fathers involved: 90% used cars when going out while 40% walked. With regard to help with childcare, most mothers received help from their relatives. With their children, 70% of mothers went out more than once a week, whereas two mothers went out less than once a fortnight. Fatherʼs participation in child rearing and possession of a privately-owned car were observed to influence childcare. The potential exists for rearers who go out infrequently to become isolated through limited human interactions. Places to which they can walk with their children and specifically designed events are needed. We would like to expand access to the childcare support program offered by this university, and to further study the type of support we provide.}, pages = {37--47}, title = {札幌市南区における子育て世帯の子育て事情―乳児健診を受診した世帯の実態調査―}, volume = {12}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヤマウチ, マユミ and ワタナベ, ユカリ and ヒヤマ, アキコ and ミマヤ, ミドリ and ムラマツ, マスミ and カイタニ, トシコ and カミシマ, シゲコ and ヤマダ, リョウ and チャン, プホァー and イシイ, マサヒ and スーディカンザキ, カズヨ} }