@article{oai:scu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000187, author = {守井, 清吾 and Ishii, Masahiro and 石井, 雅博 and 鈴木, 淳也 and Kawahara, Shigenori and 川原, 茂敬 and Hirobayashi, Shigeki and 広林, 茂樹 and Morii, Shingo and Ishii, Masahiro and Suzuki, Junya and Kawahara, Shigenori and Hirobayashi, Shigeki}, issue = {12}, journal = {映像情報メディア学会誌, The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers}, month = {Dec}, note = {Understanding, creating, and transmitting texts and figures is important in an information-based society. While systems that help visually impaired people understand, create, and transmit texts are available, ones to , help them create figures are still needed. We are developing a pilot system that enables them to draw tactile figures with their fingertips using a tactile display and computer vision techniques. Experimental evaluation of the usability of the system in comparison with that of a pen-input drawing system showed that is more effective?}, pages = {J448--J454}, title = {点図ディスプレイを用いた触図作成システムにおけるペン・指先入力の比較}, volume = {67}, year = {2013}, yomi = {モリイ, シンゴ and イシイ, マサヒ and スズキ, ジュンヤ and カワハラ, シゲノリ and ヒロバヤシ, シゲキ} }