@article{oai:scu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000006, author = {片山, めぐみ and Katayama, Megumi}, issue = {1}, month = {2023-09-29, 2024-01-12}, note = {本研究は,北海道の過疎地域の魅力を伝え,交流人口を増やす新しい手段として五感 情報を盛り込んだ弁当を開発し,販売実験やワークショップ開催によってデザインの効果検 証を行った.弁当を開けると目に入ってくる田園や海の風景,QR コードを読み取ると聞こ えてくるまちの音,地元の食材を使った料理を食べ進めると弁当箱の底からまち歩きマップ が見えてくるといった体験をデザインした.札幌駅に直結するデパート地下惣菜売り場の弁 当販売店で販売実験を行い,1 個670 円の「喜茂別だより」弁当を1 週間で150 個完売した. また,ワークショップ参加者のインタビューより,弁当を食べる時間を利用して地域情報を 取得させるという新しい体験デザインの効果を確認することができた., In this study, we developed a bento box that incorporates information from the five senses as a new means of communicating the appeal of the depopulated areas of Hokkaido and increasing the non-resident population, and verified the effectiveness of the design through sales experiments and workshops. We designed an experience wherein you can see the scenery of the countryside and the sea when you open the bento, hear the sounds of the town when you scan the QR code, and gradually see the town walking map at the bottom of the bento as you eat the dishes made with local ingredients inside it. A sales experiment was conducted at the prepared food section of a department store directly connected to Sapporo Station, and 150 units of the “Kimobetsu Dayori Bento”, priced at 670 yen each, were sold out in one week. In addition, we were able to confirm the effect of the new experience design that uses the time needed to eat the bento to enable the acquisition of local information from interviews with workshop participants.}, pages = {33--40}, title = {コミュニケーション媒体としての弁当開発と住民にまちの気づきを促す開発プロセスの検討}, volume = {17}, year = {}, yomi = {カタヤマ, メグミ} }